
Old blog, since 2002. Haven't updated in more than decade. Keeping it online for nostalgia feels.



indulge drink dance smoke and cafe walk afterwards

among these smells,
where dances are but shadows of emotions
where every beat and bent is a hidden lustful gaze
nothing godly and moral remains:
everyone is on the lookout
i forget that you are you, and that
everyone else around has a name
they are all but skin
under the wave cover of pulsating lights
and rippling throbs of addictive booms,
screams and steps --- its all drowning,
this friday night ritual that is us.

but we carry them through knowing
how artificial smiles they are, how very
practical names and lifestories we have become,
how disposable partners we have all been,
how is it that our coffee is never the same?
never the kick that was after the blast

no body passionate enough to hug the tongue
nor any aroma to touch the palate.

posted by Jdavies @ 9/18/2002,


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The Author


Jdavies lives in Quezon City, Philippines and has been blogging since 2002. A brand manager in a leading technology company and a freelance new media/web strategy consultant, he has refocused his blogging from personal, political & sociological observations, to marketing-related efforts and Internet trends that are relevant to his career and branding advocacies.

About This Blog

This blog is a depot of thoughts and observations on marketing trends which remain personally relevant to the Author as far as his marketing career is concerned. Having evolved from the personal blog of Jdavies, much of the earlier work contained herein are laced with personal speculation, political views, and similar advocacies. These posts are being kept for posterity's sake and for no other reason. No effort is being made to claim that the author will not contradict himself from his previous positions or that such advocacies are absolute.


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