More on Tech4Free:
Justin Cooper responds

A certain Justin Cooper replied to my previous post about on whether it is a scam or not - or if its even worth all your time. Apparently, the "owner" as per our check on the administrative contact of the website.
Check this post:
I just wanted to leave you a quick note, and explain a few of the things you commented on. We are a very new site using a business model that is relatively new. We have sent out thousands of dollars worth of stuff, and plan on sending out at least $30000 worth of free gifts this week alone. There is proof that we are legitimate all over the net right now.
The reasoning behind the U.S. only issue is that most, if not all of the offers we have that you can complete are 'U.S. Only offers'. I.E. Blockbuster online does not work for residents of India.
We also do not support the use of P.O. Boxes do to the rampant fraud found out by the previous companies operating incentive based advertising sites.
We do not personally sell your information, nor will we ever sell your information. What our affiliates do with a users information is solely based on their privacy policy.
Thank you, and I hope I cleared up any confusion!
See, I'd like to think he is the owner but of course there is not a way for me to check if he indeed is; as such we take it on benefit of the doubt. (note to conspiracy theorists --- I am not part of tech4free at all and this is not a negative strategy of marketing campaign which attacks the same guys only in increase awareness of the 'strengths' of the attacked party, ala ikea's vs elitedesigners strategy.)
If he is who he claims of course then it's interesting how he found this post quite fast, so here's my quick reply too:
Hi Justin,
Thanks for clearing things up Justin - please note that the observations I have made above is intended and targeted for my readers in the Philippines whose 1st-and-2nd degree of separation from US citizens makes them the prime candidates of unsolicited mail or perhaps legit but useless email and marketing dead-ends.
Tech4free's business model is something I do not attack, like I say, it's a perfectly legal way of doing business as per your legal policies and disclaimers. Lawyers are very good at creating things as these. (Hey when I'd like to be a lawyer, see...) However, my concern stems from the fact that a huge percentage of my people do not understand your program, and are very much inclined to participate without knowing the in's and out's - in effect wasting time and repeating the vicious cycle.
I think it best thus to warn them of the possibilities rather than they waste their time if the program does not fit them. Arguably, of course this post will diminish statistics for those not interested and would save time by not responding to your ads. Hence, I understand your concern to explain yourself and defend your company. It's an expected marketing response.
Now, should US readers see this same post then it becomes a better world for everybody - people who will participate in your program will be of a higher percentage to agree to your terms and conditions and would have checked every bit of detail. Further, unless you find use for those other emails and addresses that do not agree to your privacy policy or are from completely irrelevant geographical markets as per your strategies, say the Philippines, India, Japan, or South Korea then I don't think you'll feel bad about it. It makes mathematical sense by 6-degrees of separation to include links which are irrelevant to the market; I am certain excluding them from the chain may diminish significantly the end totals of point of contacts; but hey ! don't you think they have a right to know? They do!
I know the federal laws on opt/outs and fully understand the affiliate system of marketing and biz partnerships you mention. But not all those in the net do. It's best they understand.
Now, should you want to clarify even more and present any info then let me know and I'l post it.
Jardine Davies
There you go --- He says they are legit --- but you must not be from Manila or India, you need to be from Manila, Arkansas for instance. You want a freebie - it's for you to try. Some people came to great lengths for a gmail account; admit it people love freebies. It's just a question of who gets more of what they got free for. You want it - try it. Hey this post might just increase their hits.
Labels: Business, Local, Philippines
posted by Jdavies @ 12/02/2004,
The Author

Jdavies lives in Quezon City, Philippines and has been blogging since 2002. A brand manager in a leading technology company and a freelance new media/web strategy consultant, he has refocused his blogging from personal, political & sociological observations, to marketing-related efforts and Internet trends that are relevant to his career and branding advocacies.
About This Blog
This blog is a depot of thoughts and observations on marketing trends which remain personally relevant to the Author as far as his marketing career is concerned. Having evolved from the personal blog of Jdavies, much of the earlier work contained herein are laced with personal speculation, political views, and similar advocacies. These posts are being kept for posterity's sake and for no other reason. No effort is being made to claim that the author will not contradict himself from his previous positions or that such advocacies are absolute.
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